Alcoholism and depression; Belief, hope and love

Coding, «Anchoring» and similar methods of alcoholism treatment are based on suppression the volition of the patient, which without that the weakened; based on phobia emotions, instead of belief, hope and love. Therefore they are unpromising and give short-term effect. This may aggravate of "weak will" of the patient.
Alcoholism is a demonstration of "weak will" of the person. To cure it is possible, only stimulating own activity of the patient, without accusing him it is infinite, and paying attention to successes, transferring thoughts of the patient from «the negative past» to «the best future».


           Folk healers with success instead of tea use the herb infusions without sugar for an alcoholism treatment and in feasible larger quantity on purpose to raise a perspiration, to strengthen urine excretion. Different folk sorcerers have different herbs, mostly slightly aromatic and diuretic. From them they prepare tea and a drink. Allow to drink tea (a drink) warm till 10-15 cups (or more) in day at a rigid diet.
                The advantage of such folk treatment of alcoholism is indisputable. Tea for this purpose can be made of
·   Wormwood, St. John's wort, Mint, Yarrow (in peer parts),
·   Root of an angelica, Root of a sweet flag, Juniper berries (in peer parts);
All of this is grind, admix and make a tea on boiled water (big pinch on a teapot).
Recipe of tea from alcoholism from different herbs:
·   20g of sage-brushes bitter,
·   20g of yarrow ordinary,
·   20g of St. John's wort,
·   15g of peppermint,
·   10g of angelica medicinal,
·   10g of thyme creeping,
·     5g of juniper ordinary;
Mix well all herbs. Make a tea in a porcelain teapot, (1tbsp of the dry ground admixture fill in with 1 glass of boiled water), hold 10-15 minutes and give to patient as tea.
It is necessary to drink 3-4 cups of the tea (infusion) every day. Duration of Alcoholism treatment Course is 10 days. After a 5 days break, repeat course of treatment. The general duration of alcoholism treatment of is 2-8 months. During this time the inclination to alcohol disappears.
Coffee with a hazelwort root powder from alcoholism: on 1 cup of boiling coffee in Turkish (50g) add a quarter of a teaspoon of the hazelwort root powder. Allow to drink once to the alcoholic. Repeat the method in 1-2 days.


 (At the using of the alcohol drink prepared under these recipes, the patient should not know that something is mixed with alcohol drink).
During treatment from alcohol it is not necessary to use sharp seasonings and to use as much as possible vegetables and fruit).
Before to use folk recipes, it is necessary to consult with the doctor!
Recipes for treatment of a chronic alcoholism with herbs and other folk remedies:
- Centaury – 1tbsp, Wormwood - 1tbsp, Thyme - 1tbsp mix in a cup of boiled water, set aside, having wrapped up, during 2hours and filter it. Drink on 1tbsp 4 times a day.
- A root of Sulfurwort (sea parsley) and 2 laurel leaves put in a cup of vodka (or another strong alcohol drink). Set aside within 2 weeks and allow drinking. These can cause disgust from alcohol.
- Some green Wood bugs (it emits a sharp unpleasant smell, can be found on a raspberry) put in a cup of vodka. Brew and allow drinking, nothing speaking about the infusion structure. It is possible, to get disgust from alcohol with this infusion.
- Prepare broth from a root of Asarum (hazelwort, jengibire, snakeroot):  1tbsp of crushed root pour in with a cup of water, boil 10 mines on weak fire, then set aside, having wrapped up, during 30 mines and filter it (a dose observe precisely as the herb is poisonous). 1 tbsp of broth pour in a cup of vodka and allow drinking, nothing saying about something is mixed to vodka. Such mix causes vomiting and strong disgust from alcohol.
- Constant using of sour apples promotes disgust from alcohol.
- Herb Infusion from Thyme. 15g of Thyme fill in with 1 cup of boiled water, to set aside 15 minutes. Give to drink on 1 tbsp 3 times a day.
- In the big doses in a combination with alcohol Thyme causes nauseous- vomitive reaction that allows using successfully it in the form of 7.5% of broth inside to treatment of a chronic alcoholism.
 -10g of a dry herb Fir club moss, (Lycopodium selago) fill in with 1 cup of boiled water, boil 20-30 minutes. Give to drink on 0.5 cups. It is necessary to consult with the doctor!
See also


Folk remedies with which it is possible to protect himself from alcohol intoxication and to lower alcohol action on a human body.
- Before an expected sumptuous feast, for not to become tipsy, drink a cup of well made black or green tea with mint, black coffee or tea with a lemon (lemon in coffee and lemon in tea will neutralize alcohol). After the feast this procedure can be repeated. Easy alcohol intoxication quickly passes. There is an opinion, that mixing vodka with caffeine has no consequences.
- Sitting down a table of feast, it is necessary to remember: what can you mix with vodka. Vodka mix (mixing wine and vodka, mixing rum and vodka, mixing tequila and vodka, mixing beer and vodka) gives the heaviest intoxication. From mixing vodka the person feels much worse, than from consumption of a considerable quantity of any one alcohol drink.
- The cup of cold water with 20 drops of mint tincture (to drink at once) helps sobering up. Alcohol intoxication quickly passes. Weight in a head and headaches are taken off.
- From small drunkenness the cup of cold water with 2 drops of liquid ammonia helps. At stronger drunkenness the quantity of drops should be increased to 5-6.
See also

What is alcoholism?

And so: what is the alcoholism? The alcoholism is the disease connected with the regular use alcohol drinks. For the person, suffering from alcoholism, adequate treatment is necessary. The alcoholism may be a mask of a psychological disease, as well. The Infringements in an organism are connected with psychological frustration after drinking of alcohol drinks.
Alcohol fatally influences a liver (can cause cirrhosis). The people, suffering from alcoholism, have a high danger of cancer formation, of arterial hypertensia development, of increasing probability cerebral stroke and a myocardial infarction. The dose in 7-8g of pure alcohol on 1kg of weight for the person is deadly.
After the alcohol dependence formation, it remains with the person till the end of his life. However, there are effective ways of alcoholism treatment, which allow to successfully exempting from alcohol dependence.
Sequence of alcoholism treatment:
·        getting out of hard drinking - terminating hungover syndrome,
·        treatment for addiction.

Getting out of hard drinking is a necessary complex of measures for interruption when person cannot stop himself from drinking of alcohol long time. "Delirium tremens", a stroke or a heart attack can become result of alcoholism disease process. Certainly, it is necessary to address urgently for the help to doctors-narcologists and to begin course of alcoholism treatment.
There are two basic ways of treatment for addiction.
·        psychotherapy,
·        medicamental.
At sharing of both methods the maximum positive effect is reached. Their primary goal consists in critically to lower alcohol addiction.
Methods of psychotherapy (coding from alcoholism) are hypnosis, suggestions, neurolinguistic programming.  Doctor influences to the subconsciousness of the patient, as a result is succeed to suppress alcohol addiction.
By using of methods of psychotherapy it is reached:
- Belief,
- Suggestion,
- Auto-suggestion.
Proper acupuncture also helps to get rid of a chronic alcoholism.
Medicamentous coding is directed to cure for alcohol addiction, by introduction to an organism of the patient (an injection, sewing in) chemical preparations (Esperal, Torpedo, SIT, Algominal, etc.). If the patient will drink alcohol after these medicines, can take place negative and sometimes heavy consequences for organism.
Alcoholism treatment should carry an individual approach to each patient, be selected tactics of treatment for achievement of as much as possible positive result.
The success in alcoholism treatment depends on desire of the person, its own understanding of essence and harm of illness.
Insuperable inclination to alcohol, by which hungover syndrome is characterized, it is possible to facilitate following procedures:
- Cold water pouring over a head,
- To do baths on room temperature water,
- At vomiting to allow ice swallowing,
- Long sleep.
 Development of disgust from alcohol and vomiting callings is promoted by adding in alcohol of the substances possessing unpleasant taste or appearance:
- Preparations of gold,
- Creeping thyme (penny-mountain),
- Elder,
- Juniper.
Alcoholism treatment is impossible without careful diagnostic research of internal organs and nervous system of alcoholics!