(At the using of the alcohol drink prepared under these recipes, the patient should not know that something is mixed with alcohol drink).
During treatment from alcohol it is not necessary to use sharp seasonings and to use as much as possible vegetables and fruit).
Before to use folk recipes, it is necessary to consult with the doctor!
Recipes for treatment of a chronic alcoholism with herbs and other folk remedies:
- Centaury – 1tbsp, Wormwood - 1tbsp, Thyme - 1tbsp mix in a cup of boiled water, set aside, having wrapped up, during 2hours and filter it. Drink on 1tbsp 4 times a day.
- A root of Sulfurwort (sea parsley) and 2 laurel leaves put in a cup of vodka (or another strong alcohol drink). Set aside within 2 weeks and allow drinking. These can cause disgust from alcohol.
- Some green Wood bugs (it emits a sharp unpleasant smell, can be found on a raspberry) put in a cup of vodka. Brew and allow drinking, nothing speaking about the infusion structure. It is possible, to get disgust from alcohol with this infusion.
- Prepare broth from a root of Asarum (hazelwort, jengibire, snakeroot):  1tbsp of crushed root pour in with a cup of water, boil 10 mines on weak fire, then set aside, having wrapped up, during 30 mines and filter it (a dose observe precisely as the herb is poisonous). 1 tbsp of broth pour in a cup of vodka and allow drinking, nothing saying about something is mixed to vodka. Such mix causes vomiting and strong disgust from alcohol.
- Constant using of sour apples promotes disgust from alcohol.
- Herb Infusion from Thyme. 15g of Thyme fill in with 1 cup of boiled water, to set aside 15 minutes. Give to drink on 1 tbsp 3 times a day.
- In the big doses in a combination with alcohol Thyme causes nauseous- vomitive reaction that allows using successfully it in the form of 7.5% of broth inside to treatment of a chronic alcoholism.
 -10g of a dry herb Fir club moss, (Lycopodium selago) fill in with 1 cup of boiled water, boil 20-30 minutes. Give to drink on 0.5 cups. It is necessary to consult with the doctor!
See also